We are living in dark times, and yet the darkness is revealing truths that we have known for a long time, but have not faced directly. The winter solstice offers us a moment to look back at where we have been, and then to turn around to begin our journey through the darkness of winter looking for the insights and threads of “light” we need for this time in our lives.
This retreat, “Threads of Light”, will explore the visible and the not so visible threads that serve as guides in the darkness. Darkness can be mysterious, calming, frightening, or mystical. For some, darkness creates a cloak of doom, for others, it is a nourishing sanctuary. How do we hold fast to the threads that hold us together and serve as guides when it’s difficult to see? How do we find our sanctuary in “the darkness”?
“I have learned things in the dark that I could never have learned in the light, things that have saved my life over and over again, so that there is really only one logical conclusion. I need darkness as much as I need light.”
― Barbara Brown Taylor, Learning to Walk in the Dark
Retreat Details & Registration Information:
We will be limiting the registration for each retreat to 21 participants so we can see everyone on the screen.
Cost: $125
Dates/Times (in US-Pacific Standard Time)
Friday, December 10: 6-8pm
Saturday, December 11: 9:00-12noon; 2-4pm; 6-8pm